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タイトル: TMU-UOS bio-conference 2021
実 施 者: Ryutaro Koda
実施場所: ZOOM
実 施 日: 2022年 3月 7日
対  象: 54

International conference meeting between TMU and UOS

Attended presentations given by two speakers from each university

Q&A session for each presentation topic

It was a very good opportunity to learn about research that is entirely different from my specialty and from outside of Japan. In addition, the content of each presentation was very easy to understand because the entire conference was in English. It was a much more valuable experience than attending presentations on master's theses. One of the regrets is that I could not make deep discussions about the content of presentations since I had little to no knowledge about their presentation. Therefore, based on today's experience, I will try to read more research articles more comprehensively throughout the fields to gain a fundamental understanding of numerous biological fields.

©2015 Department of Biological Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University