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タイトル: TMU-UOS exchange 2022 : Lab experience
実 施 者: Chihiro Yamamoto, Marie Noguchi, Sophia Limlingan
実施場所: Molecular Neuroscience Lab
実 施 日: 2022年 11月 18日
対  象: two students from UOS

Our main objective is to interact with UOS students by introducing our research at the molecular neuroscience lab. As a part of this project, we had the two UOS students experience the experiments we conduct regularly.

Since there were three student organizers from this lab, we were able to provide a wide variety of experiments. We first asked the UOS students about their research and what kind of experiments they usually do at UOS. Given their answers that they were not familiar with our experiments, such as western blotting and fly dissection, we decided to incorporate them into our schedule.


- Dissection of Drosophila brains
We showed UOS students how to dissect fly brains under microscopy. They do not dissect animals in their labs, so they seemed to struggle to handle small flies.

- Microscopy
We took UOS students to Keyence microscopy to observe some fly samples. We observed HE-stained brain samples and dissected fly brains stained with fluorescent dyes. Since they dissected the fly brains and saw how to make paraffin sections earlier that day, they seemed to be able to associate the procedure and the results.

- Drosophila observations
We had UOS students observe tau-expressing flies, which we usually use as an Alzheimer’s disease model in our lab. They both seemed to be familiar with Drosophila, and they seemed to be interested in the disease model.

- Western Blotting
In this activity involved both theoretical discussions and actual experiments. For the theoretical discussion, we explained the upstream experiments that precede that day’s experiment, since we don’t have time to prepare samples from start (e.g. from whole mouse brains). There was a lot of discussion on the applications of the method, like which samples are likely to be dealt with using an experiment like this. We also talked about the downstream experiments after the gel electrophoresis and how the sample is handled afterwards since the students do not have time to experience everything. For the experiment part, we asked the students to follow standard methodology in western blot, and the experiment proceeded as follows: (1) assembly of electrophoresis chamber, (2) preparation of separating gel, (3) preparation of stacking gel, (4) preparation of electrophoresis chamber with buffers, (5) sample loading, (6) protein separation, (7) removal of gel from chamber for further analysis.


I think this lab experience was a success. Although we had limited time and couldn’t complete experiments at full length, I think we did well by introducing fractions of various experiments. I also found some difficulty in explaining my own research/ experimental procedures to other people.  Outside the lab, we had dinner with UOS students and some of our lab members, and it became a good opportunity to interact with the UOS students as a lab. I really enjoyed this exchange, and I am grateful that I was able to be a part of it. (Chihiro Yamamoto)

As already previously mentioned, there were significant time constraints in the lab experience sessions. This was more difficult for the students assigned to the molecular neuroscience laboratory, as some of our common experiments take more than one day to complete. The UOS students’ lab experience schedule (having weekend in between two days) meant that we cannot really let them experience a complete experiment from start to finish. In the end we managed by breaking down the experiments into short segments, though I still think two consecutive full days in our case would have been more enriching. (Sophia Limlingan)

Although we had a limited time to experience the lab activity, we could show many aspects of our experiments fragmentally. We thought it would be important to show how the final results look like if we show the process of the experiments. So we first had the UOS students experience some procedures to make samples, and then we let them observe the final results. I think this strategy worked for them. They asked me whenever they had questions and we could have a good discussion about our research. We also had fun with eating lunch and dinner together. Through that time we could talk about each other’s culture. (Marie Noguchi)

©2015 Department of Biological Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University