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タイトル: TMU-UOS exchange 2022 : Lab experience
実 施 者: Manolo Benitez
実施場所: Systematic Zoology Laboratory & TMU Campus
実 施 日: 2022年 11月 18日
対  象: Worked with 4 People

Our primary goal was to facilitate an educational experience related to ecology for the TMU-UoS program, and to exchange our knowledge and understanding of biological studies.

To provide an enriching experience for the UoS students, the systematic zoology lab planned multiple activities throughout the days where they would be in our lab. We conducted pitfall trap surveys around different areas of the TMU forest. Pitfall traps were created by digging out small holes and placing cups with 75% alcohol to collect invertebrates. The locations were recorded by GPS and photography to denote the environment around the area, such as bamboo forest or low tree cover. We discusses several ecological processes to the students during our travel around campus as we were able to see them, such as insect behavior within different different soil profiles. We taught the UoS students how to place their own pitfall traps as well. We also included different ways to identify flora and fauna in the field, either through physical identification or digitally identifying them through the use of biological programs. We returned to the lab later where I was able to do an insect dissection demonstration of frozen Ceratina okinawana samples from my own research. I connected our stereo microscope to a 4k resolution camera to show the students how I would perform such a dissection while also explaining different anatomy and life history of the organism.

On the following day, our lab gave presentations regarding their own research. Each member was able to give their talks and answer questions regarding their research, while the UoS students were also able to share their own research to our lab and explain their own methods.

On the last day of the exchange, I was not able to attend as I had a conference. However, I saw that the pitfall surveys were successful and many invertebrates were able to be collected and then used for identification. Using microscopes and preserving them under alcohol, the invertebrates were identified to varying taxonomic degrees. Later, differences in organism presence and number was discussed between our lab and the UoS students. Conservation biology was also discussed between our groups.

Overall these activities were a great success. The UoS students did not have much exposure to ecological studies in their own university, so this provided an incredibly enriching experience for them to branch out of their own field and explore more topics in biology. Field work was a fun and interesting way to present our methods of research, especially since it was something that the students had not done before. This was a minimally invasive research survey that still provided easily identifiable results. Demonstrations of our own research also went very well with the students, as a dissection of an insect is an especially novel experience.

The lab experience proved to be very successful, and if it is possible for future exchanges, additional field experiences should be planned. Some time could also be dedicated to have the UoS students prepare their own formal presentations to present within their group.

©2015 Department of Biological Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University