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タイトル: Report on UOS-TMU conference
実 施 者: Yasodha Manandhar
実施場所: University of Soeul
実 施 日: 2015年 2月 5日
対  象: 6

It was a wonderful experience to visit University of Seoul and attend the conference held on 05-02-2015 at the university premises. Attending the talk of Asada sensei was fruitful as the research field she is in influences me a lot beside my own research area. The presenters were from department of biological science. I got the event to explain my research to others as well know about others research. I found some poster very interesting from UOS and TMU. Even though the session was for a short duration, such interactive programs enhance the exchange of ideas and views and help learners like us to improve more.
I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Professor Jungwoo Choe from UOS and Fukuda sensei from TMU for providing me the opportunity to participate in the conference.
©2015 Department of Biological Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University