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タイトル: 昆虫類の系統分類と生態に関する日中研究室間合同セミナーの開催
実 施 者: 土屋香織・武智玲奈・宮澤絵里・白井衣里香・林太郎・新倉和宏
実施場所: 首都大学東京
実 施 日: 2009年 10月 20日
対  象: 生命科学専攻(とくに動物生態学研究室,動物系統分類学研究室)の教員及び院生,中国農業大学大学院生



(1) 合同セミナーの開催
「Insect taxonomy, phylogeny, and ecology」
1. Kaori Tsuchiya (TMU): Left-handed sperm removal by male calopterygid damselflies (Odonata)
2. Taro Hayashi (TMU): Antennal sensilla of superfamily Cantharoidea.
3. Kazuhiro Niikura (TMU): Embryonic development of a ground beetle, Carabus insulicola.
4. Gang Yao (CAU): Taxonomy and biology of the bee flies in China.
5. Shan Huo (CAU): The big headed flies - general introduction of taxonomy and biology.
6. Xingyue Liu (CAU/TMU): The Raphidioptera from eastern Asia.

(2) 昆虫類の標本調査と自然観察会


During our stay in Tokyo Metropolitan University from 20 to 30 October 2009, we were able to examine 118 specimens of beefly insects (Family Bombyliidae) and 2 specimens of big-headed fly insects (Family Pipunclidae) which were borrowed from the Osaka Museum of Natural History. Some of them were collected from China. Examination of these Japanese and Chinese specimens will help us to make the phD thesis. It was very impressive for us that forests are well protected near the large cities and the railway traffic system, including Shinkansen, is excellent and convenient to go anywhere in Japan. We thank T. Suzuki, T. Kusano and F. Hayashi of Animal Ecology Laboratory, Y. Kobayashi of Systematic Zoology Laboratory, and the students of Biological Department for inviting us to Tokyo and for their incredible kindness during our stay. We are also grateful to the Imp-Grad Fund of the Biological Science Department for supporting all the costs of our trip.
Gang Yao
Shan Huo
(China Agricultural University)

©2015 Department of Biological Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University