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タイトル: The understanding and practice of transmissible disease
実 施 者: Bo-Moon Kim
実施場所: Online (zoon class)
実 施 日: 2021年 2月 2日
対  象: undergraduate students and graduate students

  The world is having a hard time due to the COVID-19 that began in this spring. In order to understand the spread of the diseases, an understanding of the epidemiology is required. Here I prepared SIR model that the most basic epidemiological mathematical model for infectious diseases. For more detail, the SIR model is an epidemiological model that computes the theoretical number of people infected with a contagious illness in a closed population over time. The name of this class of models derives from the fact that they involve coupled equations relating the number of susceptible people S(t), number of people infected I(t), and number of people who have recovered R(t) (図 1). The aim is to improve understanding of the spread of infectious diseases by simulating the model directly. Also, through this practice, we will confirm the importance of social distancing and find out what role it plays in the dynamics of spreading disease.


- Start the class with introduction presentation (it includes my explanation about SIR model and how to set up the Phyton langue)
 - Audience finished Phyton set up then I introduce the Phyton cord to operate and simulate the SIR model.
 - They plot the graph while change the parameter and compare the dynamics.

Main features as a prohject.
 -Allowing students built a mathematical model for SIR.
 -Understanding what is mathematical biology.
 -Getting acquainted with code and computer languages

After watching the video, we had a general understanding of the SIR model. Then, using python, we made a code ourselves and observed the change in population dynamics by making a graph. In addition, we learned why social distance is important after listening to the instructor's explanation for SIR models of various variations.

Including graduated students, 8 students participated.

First I got a some comments after activity.
藤井 健太: 感染症に対する数理モデルを用いた理論を動画や資料を交えながら説明してくださって、とても分かりやすかったです。
早野-san: SIRモデルの説明を簡単にして理解しやすかった。
Sulatan: How do we start mathematical research or apply it to empirical research,although I have a no knowledge about math.

First, most of the students were not familiar with mathematics, so I tried to explain it as easily as possible. Thanks to that, I think students have even understood the operating principle and mathematical understanding and what the SIR model is.

Personally, for the first time, I did a class for undergraduate students, and I could know how difficult giving lecture is, especially using online platform.

One student failed to install Python, so she couldn't run it directly. I feel sorry for this, and I think it would be nice if there was a pre-installation guide.

Finally, I think it was a good time to give personal advice to students who are interested in mathematical analysis.

©2015 Department of Biological Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University