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タイトル: 国際オンラインイベント TMUとflyを紹介する動画を作ろう!(国際実践演習)
実 施 者: 山本廉太(21846436)、佐藤愛莉(20946405)、アガーワルシータル(19946453), 上岡瑠奈(21846407)
実施場所: オンライン、8号館エレベーターホールなど
実 施 日: 2021年 6月 23日
対  象: ショウジョウバエや都立大に興味のある一般の方や高校生、ショウジョウバエを用いていない研究者の方など

Make 3-5 minute videos (with subtitles in English, Japanese and Chinese) for overseas general public audiences. We will promote the interest of wild Drosophila species and introduce how to catch flies from the wild to many people, including those from overseas.

Planning Objectives
・To improve our outreach capabilities
Since last year, we were not able to conduct active outreach activities due to the corona problem. Although the corona problem has not been solved yet, we have recently seen how to disseminate our research using online tools and other methods. Therefore, through the activity of creating and sending out a video introducing Drosophila research at TMU, we will learn how to communicate in an easy-to-understand manner to the general public and researchers at other institutions.

・Improve language skills
Although many doctoral students and international students belong to the Evolutionary Genetics Laboratory, we did not have many opportunities to work together daily. By working together with international students to film and edit the PR video with English subtitles, we will improve our ability to discuss and communicate in English.

・We will also think about our research using Drosophila again and notice its strengths, attractiveness, and interest.

Plans of the contents
・We are going to make a movie about how and where flies can be collected in the university.
・In our movie, first, we are going to introduce Tokyo Metropolitan University. ・After it, we will show how and where flies can be collected in the university. We have three ways to catch flies from the wild that 1. sweep with net and suck with aspirator, 2. bring fruits from the wild environment and place them until flies emerge, 3. make a “milk pack” trap and put it on the tree.
・After taking movies, we will make a manuscript of each part and crop and edit movies to make one movie.
・The movie will be uploaded on Youtube and shared by many people.

<活動内容/具体的成果> What you did

・各動画の撮影と動画やナレーションの整理、動画編集(M1 Runa Kamioka)

・果実が多く落ちている様子の撮影、網を用いた採集方法の日英ナレーションの作成、動画をアップするYoutubeのアカウント設定や管理(D2 Airi Sato)

・Our group was assigned to make a video about ‘How and where flies can be collected in the university’. Introduction of TMU, collecting flies through the net or from wild fruits or with milk pack traps are the main highlights of our group. We divided this work among group members and everyone did their task very well. In the end we made a script for our part from video. Movie making and editing work done by Runa san. (D2 Sheetal Agarwal)

・ミルクパックを用いた採集方法のビデオのナレーションの制作(M1 Renta Yamamoto)

<感想/課題など(企画力/評価力/自主性等の向上を含む)> comments
・今回、私たちの班では野外のショウジョウバエの採集方法を紹介する動画を担当したが、普段は野外でハエの採集を行っていなかったので、トラップの作成方法や系統の仕分け方など、基本的な手法を動画を撮影していく中で再度確認しながら学ぶことができた。また、留学生のシータルさんとの交流の機会を普段よりも増やすことができ、英語で話し合うトレーニングとしてもとても良い機会となった。(D2 Airi Sato)

・普段私はドライでの研究を行っているので、トラップでのハエの回収の仕方など、初めて知ったことも多かった。今回の作業を通してでなければ知る機会のなかった知識が増え、とても良い経験となった。また、普段、英語の論文や教科書を読む機会はあっても英語で会話をする機会がなかったので、英語でのコミュニケーションの練習ができた。(M1 Runa Kamioka)

・This was a great opportunity for me as foreigner student in TMU. I enjoyed the overall process of movie making but ‘collecting flies with milk pack traps’ was the most adventurous part as I got the chance to explore university inside out. I also enjoyed working with all group members. With the help of Airi san I got help to understand the Japanese language. Video is a very good and interesting way to show a short introduction of TMU and daily activities of our laboratory ‘Evolutionary genetics laboratory’ to native as well as overseas students. (D2 Sheetal Agarwal)

・野外からハエを回収する上でトラップの作成や設置、撮影をグループのメンバーと協力して行うことができた。英語でのコミュニケーションを行うことで自分の英語力の向上にもつながった。(M1 Renta Yamamoto)

Our movie's link

Our channel's link
©2015 Department of Biological Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University