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タイトル: 国際オンラインイベント TMUとflyを紹介する動画を作ろう!(国際実践演習
実 施 者: 小林ちひろ(21846412)、Rahayu Pertiwi(21846440)、秋山礼良、佐藤伶圭(履修なし)、田中健太郎
実施場所: オンライン、8号館エレベーターホールなど
実 施 日: 2021年 6月 23日
対  象: ショウジョウバエや都立大に興味のある一般の方や高校生、ショウジョウバエを用いていない研究者の方など

Make some 3-5 minute videos (with subtitles in English, Japanese and Chinese) for overseas general public audiences. We will promote the interest of Drosophila genetics to many people, including those from overseas through Youtube.

1.To improve our outreach capabilities
Since last year, we were not able to conduct active outreach activities due to the corona problem. Although the corona problem has not been solved yet, we have recently seen how to disseminate our research using online tools and other methods. Therefore, through the activity of creating and sending out a video introducing Drosophila research at TMU, we will learn how to communicate in an easy-to-understand manner to the general public and researchers at other institutions (tentative, as the target is yet to be determined). We will also think about our research using Drosophila again and notice its strengths, attractiveness, and interest.

2.To improve language skills
Although many doctoral students and international students belong to the Evolutionary Genetics Laboratory, we did not have many opportunities to work together daily. By working together with international students to film and edit the PR video with English subtitles, we will improve our ability to discuss and communicate in English. In our opinion, this is an important point for the international practice exercise.

3.To improve our teaching skills
The theme of our group video is “Why do we use fruit flies (Drosophila) in our research?” Through this video, our goal is to explain what kind of research the teachers do and why they use fruit flies (Drosophila) in their research.

〈Methods feature〉
To create detailed and easy-to-understand videos so that many audiences can understand “Why do we use fruit flies for research?” required when dealing with Drosophila just by watching the videos.

〈What we did〉
Our group got the responsibility to make a video about “Why do we use fruit flies for research?”. In this video we introduced the teachers who are working with fruit flies in Evolutionary Genetics laboratory, informed briefly what the research topics they carried out and explained the reasons why they use fruit flies/Drosophila in their research. We created our video with a whiteboard animation for an attractive, unique and easy-understanding explanation. In preparing the content of the video, we interviewed the teachers with some question lists related to our video theme and illustrated their answers to some images. After that, one of our members would draw and record the video for making the animation.  We also prepared the script of narration, wrote the subtitles and edited the video. We completed this project by dividing tasks among group members and every member has done her and his best to finish the tasks.

Unlike other groups, we had a wide range of themes, and I felt it was very difficult to figure out how to make a video. So we thought that a video like the whiteboard animation that I had seen in class would be a good way to introduce this theme, so we made this video. I was in charge of the illustrations for the video, so my arms started to hurt during the process. The video was completed with the help of other people, so I can't thank my team members enough. I would be very happy if this video could make some people interested in Drosophila.
Through this project, I believe that we were able to improve our English skills as well as rethink the topic of "Why use flies for research? In addition, I believe that we were able to improve our planning skills in order to create something that is easy to understand and makes people interested in a topic that we ourselves have some trouble with.

This was the first time for me to have a collaborative project with Japanese students. I personally thought that it was one of great experiences in my education journey. In this project, we discussed the concept, composition, content and task responsibility of each person together. I had a responsibility to become one of the people who illustrate the teacher's answer, prepared the narration script which was converted into voice narration and added subtitles in the video.
From this project, I learned many things such as preparation, discussion, communication, and problem solving. I appreciated every process and progress because we had good teamwork. Everyone has done their best and helped each other. Although I have not gone to Japan yet due to travel restrictions for international students until this project ended, I could feel “How the study atmosphere in Tokyo Metropolitan University is”. I hope we can achieve our project purposes and be able to attract many people to be more curious about Drosophila.

I mainly worked on the planning meeting and editing of the movie, and finalized the movie. In the meetings, I tried to draw out people's opinions so that we could easily come up with many ideas. Also, editing was the last step in the movie making process, so I made a schedule for the entire work by calculating the time backwards and shared it with the members. I feel that the work went more smoothly because everyone had a clear guideline for the work. During the project, we had to communicate frequently to ensure that everyone was working together. However, one of the members was overseas, so we could not get her opinion when we had a short face-to-face meeting. I think we should reflect on this point.

URL for our video:
Our Youtube channel :
©2015 Department of Biological Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University