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タイトル: Unveiling the Biodiversity: Orchidaceae and Insects of Laos through Inventory Specimens
実 施 者: Phongphayboun Phonepaseuth
実施場所: 1st floor initial space of Building 8, TMU
実 施 日: 2023年 7月 17日
対  象: High school and University students, also general people


Laos is a country located in the Indo-Burma biodiversity hotspot, where numerous living organisms are discovered each year. In this event I was presented the diversity of attractive orchids which were recently discovered from Laos. Photos of Laotian orchids along with their publication links were displayed, so that visitors can find more detailed information parallel with my explanation. In addition to the orchids, the event showcased an array of specimens representing various groups of insects, including beetles, bugs, spiders, ants, and other insects. My co-organizer, Mr. Bounsanong Chouangthavy, who is currently researching Lao's beetles, joined me in presenting this remarkable insect diversity. The main objectives of the exhibition were to disseminate knowledge about Laotian Orchidaceae and insects through captivating visuals, informative links, and tangible specimens. Furthermore, the event aimed to foster communication skills among international students and Japanese students. Finally, we sought feedback from visitors to evaluate their opinions and suggestions, which will help us plan and organize even more engaging events in the future

The Open Lab event took place on Monday July 17, 2023, from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM, at the 1st-floor initial space of Building 8, Tokyo Metropolitan University (Minami-Osawa campus). During the event, several photos of orchids, along with their local and scientific names and publication links, were on display. Visitors were provided with detailed information about the ecology and habitat of each orchid species. As a token of appreciation, printed postcards featuring the orchids were given to interested visitors. The exhibition also featured real specimens of various insect groups collected from Laos. In addition to showcasing the insects, we demonstrated the equipment used for insect collection and provided a view through a stereomicroscope to observe these fascinating creatures up close.
For attendance tracking, the number of visitors was recorded using two separate click counters, one for male visitors and another for female visitors, in each hour to illustrate the trends in attendance throughout the day.
To gather visitor feedback and evaluate their preferences on insects, we used an evaluation form that employed a color sticker placement on a yes/no blanket method. Moreover, visitors were encouraged to provide voluntary feedback through a separate feedback form after exploring the exhibition area.


More than five hundred people in total visited Systematic Botany and Zoology lab’s exhibition in this time. Among them, majority of visitors are high school students and mostly are women. The visitors trending on noon time (11:00AM-1:00PM) which 114 men and 180 women was counted and the number was dropped by half afterward (Figure 1). Among the visitors, approximately 30 people showed a keen interest in orchids. They inspected the exhibits, asked questions about orchid habitats and conservation status, and shared their experiences in cultivating orchids in greenhouses. Many expressed a desire to observe real orchid species in their natural habitat (Figure 2), and as a token of appreciation for their engagement, they were given orchid postcards. Additionally, nearly 50 people displayed a strong interest in Lao's insects, some of whom mentioned never having seen such species before (Figure 3). However, a few individuals admitted to being afraid of insects and only observed them from a distance.

Figure 1. Number of visitors from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm

Figure 2. People interested in our exhibition

Figure 3. Number of visitors whose like and dislike insects

Overall, the exhibition was successful in engaging a diverse audience and generating enthusiasm for botanical and zoological subjects. It also served as an opportunity for visitors to learn and explore the fascinating world of orchids and Lao's insects. Visitors really enjoy on this event. Not only interacted with presenter during displayed of real specimens, but also live specimens especially giant cockroaches got more attention. Attractive insect posters presentation and enjoy examine tiny specimens by enlargement under microscope; divers specimens displayed are keys of success for this event.  
Although, many people interested in diversity of orchids and insects from Laos. Only few people can talk using English language to communicate with us. We found language as communication barrier, which could not explain in more detail in Japanese language. As a result, it is evident that preparing documents in both languages for future events would be beneficial. This approach will enhance understanding and increase the chances of piquing interest among visitors from diverse linguistic backgrounds. Additionally, the hot weather, particularly during the afternoon hours, may have contributed to the decrease in visitors. To address this, organizing similar events during the winter season could prove more favorable, as the milder weather is likely to attract a larger audience.

©2015 Department of Biological Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University