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タイトル: オープンラボ『標本から学ぶ陸上節足動物の多様性』
実 施 者: 長井聡道, 戸田美緒香, Bounsanong Chouangthavy, Kiran Thapa Magar
実施場所: 8号館イニシアチブスペース
実 施 日: 2023年 7月 17日
対  象: オープンキャンパス来場者(高校生とその保護者など)計576名




・Q3:本企画に対する意見・感想の自由記述 とした。





 Based on the observation and interaction of the visitors, they were highly fascinated and enjoyed the real specimens while concentrating on understanding the details presented in the posters. What I achieved in this activity is that the exhibition was well-organized and smoothly implemented from the beginning to the end. I had opportunities to explain my entire collection, which I gathered from Laos to the visitors, especially focusing on insects (beetles, bugs, flies, ants, wild crickets, and other insect groups), spiders, slugs, and earthworms. The visitors were more impressed with this exhibition. Surprisingly, more women than men visited the exhibition. I can say that I learned a lot from this experience, especially teamwork, public communication, and engaging with the visitors to explain the research we are conducting in our laboratory. Finally, I received positive feedback from the visitors, and most of them expressed their liking for the insects, as evidenced by the stickers they placed in the 'Yes' row.

 There were still some points that I could not avoid in this activity; for example, the Japanese language posed a major problem since most of the visitors were Japanese, and I couldn't explain in their language (which is really unfortunate). Since all of my collections are new materials that have not been identified to the species level, I could only provide common names to the visitors, and the weather was extremely hot at that time, which made it uncomfortable for some of the visitors.

 During the program, a perception survey was conducted based on participants' like and dislike of spiders. Eighty-eight people participated in the survey among the total visitors, with the majority expressing a positive attitude towards spiders (Fig 1).

Fig 1: Perception survey of visitors based on like and dislike of spider

The aim of the program was to familiarize the visitors with the research techniques and equipment used in spider research. Research equipment such as shifter, rake, forceps, gloves, vials, preservative chemicals, and a stereo microscope were exhibited. The visitors showed curiosity about the use of these materials in the field. I explained and demonstrated the use of these materials, as well as the importance of spiders in the ecosystem, which helped create a positive and keen interest in spiders. In addition, the display of live and preserved specimens enhanced visitors' enthusiasm for spiders. However, some visitors were afraid of spiders and did not come close to observe them.


 All arthropod information on the posters should be written in both languages (Japanese and English).  Each arthropod should have both its common name and scientific name clearly indicated. It would be beneficial to include more live specimens in the future exhibition to attract visitors. By implementing these suggestions can enhance the exhibition's appeal and create a more engaging and informative experience for all attendees.

Impressions and Future Tasks
 Most of the participants in the program were unaware of the techniques used in spider research and the importance of spiders. Through this program, we were able to make them more aware of the research techniques and ecological importance of spiders, which was a significant achievement. Additionally, displaying live and preserved spiders throughout the exhibition gave audiences an opportunity to see spiders that they may not encounter in their day-to-day lives up close. This helped them better understand and develop curiosity and passion for these fascinating creatures.
 The program also enabled me to enhance my skills in developing strategies to capture the attention of audiences, setting goals, and effectively managing time, as well as improving communication skills.

 Based on the program, we have the following recommendations:

1.Language appears to be a barrier to the program, so documents should be prepared in both English and Japanese languages.

2.The size of the spider posters is small; therefore, the size of the posters should be increased for future programs.

3.Since most people are attracted to live specimens, it would be better to include more live specimens in future exhibitions.


©2015 Department of Biological Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University