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タイトル: BioLalia: English for Science Event
実 施 者: Ermae Liprado, Manolo Benitez
実施場所: Makino Herbarium 2F, Room 11-Seminar Room
実 施 日: 2023年 11月 30日
対  象: Japanese and Foreign Biology TMU students

Communication is important in disseminating the findings of scientific studies. To reach a wide scope of audience, the language used should be the universal language-English. With that in mind, we decided to create an event that would hone the English communication skills of the students to share and understand scientific studies effectively. We aimed for Japanese students to practice their English skills through this event by interacting with foreign students in explaining scientific studies. Meanwhile, we expected foreign students to improve their communication skills by ensuring that they can effectively deliver scientific ideas to an audience that do not use English as their first language.

On the other hand, we hoped that this event will develop the organizing, planning, and facilitating skills of the event planners.

The event took place last November 30, 2023 at the Makino Herbarium 2F, Room 11-Seminar Room from 13:00 to 16:00. The door was open for anyone to come by during the mentioned hours.  During the event, the planners asked the students to register their names. Then, the students chose the scientific article they wanted to read and discuss from the available scientific reading materials provided. Afterward, the planners gathered and grouped the
students and moderated the discussion. They asked each student to share the findings from the article they have read, which prompted the open discussion and allowed other students to share their corresponding ideas.

Japanese and foreign students were able to participate in the event. The event only had a few participants,  which allowed a more intimate discussion, and allowed every member to interact with each other. There were still a little awkwardness and hesitations to speak and talk during the first few discussions. This became a hurdle for the mediators. However, they were able to handle it well as eventually, the students became more comfortable and gained the confidence to engage in the discussion and were able to share their ideas. From then on, the flow of the event went smoothly.

The students started opening scientific topics that were not provided from the reading materials. Some students asked other students about unfamiliar vocabularies and scientific terms. They helped each other when someone is struggling to form their ideas into a sentence.

The event ended in a good note. (Ermae Liprado)

The event was overall a success, even with only a few students who joined. This allowed for us to have a more intimate discussion and focus on the students' own personal interests, including their research plans. Students became more confident as time went on, showing us that as long as they are given time to get into a comfortable environment they can practice English more freely. Students at some point even began speaking about different scientific topics without prompts of their volition.

As for my role, I was able to successfully organize group members to participate, plus create a simple website for advertising the event. I also participated in the group discussion with the students who were practicing in addition to leading the group members, so I gained valuable communication and leadership skills. Additionally, I was tasked with choosing a correct venue for the event to take place and organizing the date and times.

This event showed much promise and if future events are held, it will provide a robust learning environment. (Manolo Benitez)

Overall, it was a great experience. The event was enjoyable, everyone got the chance to speak and share ideas, improving their English communication skills. Also, we, as the planners, gained experience in organizing, planning, and facilitating an event that benefits biology students, in the context of English communication. Hopefully, events like this continue to be planned in the future. (Ermae Liprado)

Although the event was successful, I believe there is still room for improvement, such as advertising more. However, we did reach out to the social media team for TMU to advertise the event, so that did help in reaching more students.

Even with this in mind, I am still incredibly pleased with how the event turned out and how it allowed students to continue practicing their English-speaking skills. The group members involved, including me, all learned valuable skills in time management, leadership, and organization that will help us plan future events and further our professional skills. (Manolo Benitez)

©2015 Department of Biological Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University