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タイトル: Open laboratory - Cyanobacteria introduction and observation
実 施 者: Yushen Liu
実施場所: 首都大学東京構内(8号館263室)
実 施 日: 2019年 7月 10日
対  象: 大学祭を訪れた一般の方

To teach young students about what kinds of character that Cyanobacteria play in environment, told them the diversity of these microbes which can contribute to change the extreme conditions in early period earth. Trigger their curiosity on microbes in science research. The students which want to know our research or lecture may more realized the difference to high schools biology course.

Using stereoscopic microscope and phase contrast microscope with necessary tools for microbe observation (my cyanobacteria sample)
Made an introduction booklet of Cyanobacteria for teaching taxonomic morphology/habit/evolution history with environment change and my research topic in simple introduction.

My introduction made most of students which are interesting in my research easy to understand, some of parents also ask me about this research field and future of the course. They seem really enjoyed in my introduction, and also learned how to use these two kinds of microscope. Finally they ask me some information in study in this major, and associate job, it seems they already received some important information which they need.

In this open lab, my personal efforts are planning the whole introduce subsequence framework which made the listener easy to realize the research contribute for the social and training to use Japanese for introducing research detail and the background knowledge. In this period, I check my files again and again to ensure not too hard for the sociality, also control the introduce time in short, but enrich knowledge of cyanobacteria. I received some parents comment, they thought my introduce slide are interesting, and also mention the importance of microbe research, let them learned something new. I trained my Japanese a lot in this open lab, and communicate with young students and check what did other guys thinking about my research. Let me got great experience this time.
©2015 Department of Biological Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University